10 September 2009


Seems like I’ve been stuck on a tread-mill since my last Post. Happily, in-between, Tony and I discovered New ZEALAND, flying  AIR NEW ZEALAND

The catalyst had its origin in a journey we made through Canada and Alaska, in 2007. While travelling, we met a wonderful couple of Kiwis, Sandra and Eddie McKersey - ‘…and we got on like a house on fire.’

An Invitation to Eddie’s 70th had us leaping ‘the ditch’ – slang for travelling the Tasman Sea – to surprise him.

July 31 found us at the sumptuous COPTHORNE RESORT in PAIHIA taking in the beautiful Bay of Islands, then partying at a fabulous 'Birthday Bash' for Eddie, organised by Sandra and Family.

After an unforgetable week-end we drove back to AUCKLAND and caught up with the child-hood friends of the Dear One.

Next stop TAUPO, and to the spacious LAKESIDE VILLAS - a Full-Moon over Lake Taupo ...ahhh!. Back-tracked to ROTORUA, saw the Thermal Springs and enjoyed the Baths at the 'Polynesian Spa'

On the way to WELLINGTON we detoured to capture the magic of the LORD OF THE RINGS’ locales in the Tongariro National Park, and the splendour of snow-capped Mount Ruapehu.

Having enjoyed WELLINGTON we crossed the water for PICTON - reminded us of the the Inside Passage en-route to Alaska.

Took our longest drive along the East Coast, of the South Island …wonderful scenery, colonies of fur seals, considerate (with a capital ‘C’) Kiwi drivers.
Visited JOSIE MARTINS’ incredible mosaic garden inhabited by delightful giant figures in a beautifully landscaped setting.Day Two, saw us cross the South Island, by train, to GREYMOUTH snow capped mountains, wide pebbled riverbeds, tunnels -16.

          PRESS HERE for IMAGES of The TRIP  

For our next trip we’ll start in CHRISTCHURCH and take in Queenstown, Dunedin, Invercargill, etc – couldn’t help notice the Scottish influence.

Back Home, Studio Classes and Workshops awaited me. Caught up with my dear Family, and worked to resuscitate my strained relationship with our delightful (talking!) Bantams – Sushi, Piper, Emily and Chloe

 Currently, I am preparing a workshop on Cara Gulati’s 3-D Explosion Art Quilt Illusions planned for September. Lovely Lynne Withers has waited over 12 months. I need to, quickly, familiarize myself with the technique, and complete a sample. “Remember Rita… Take photos of the Session for all to see”

 Finally, to re-dress my tardiness…I have started by smoking the peace-pipe with my Blog co-ordinator…”I promise to provide more offerings, Dear One…”

01 May 2009


The banks of dark Autumn clouds hardly had an effect on the patronage. Some had travelled from afar these past two weeks. Witnessing a steady stream of visitors was ‘heady’, and, then, seeing my precious Works being acquired was overwhelming. I hope everyone who bought enjoys the experience of wearing an ‘Original’

I was choked with emotion when the last remaining Zingers, Wraps, Jackets, and Book-Covers were packed away. It had gone beyond my wildest dreams.

Over a coffee in Sorrento, Victoria, with the buzz of the Exhibition behind us, Tony, my husband, decided for me(!!!) that we had to work towards another. From this, one can conclude it was an Artistic, and Monetary success.

I would like you to come back and visit this Blog-site whenever you have a free moment. Click on as many Links –some of which will be highlighted – as I hope there are/will be surprises. We want it to be a fun-experience. We are open to suggestions, so use the COMMENTS (even as an anonymous visitor) to pass on your thoughts.

Press here for my 'MEET THE ARTIST' Photos

21 April 2009

ART TO WEAR -Opening

Party at Gallery  - Friends, Family and Fashionistas

Presenting my Wearable Art has been a long-held desire. And, everything I’d worked for came together on the Thursday 16 April 2009

The Chapel on Station Gallery, in Box Hill, Victoria, which I chose, had all the ambience that a Solo Exhibitor could hope for – adequate space for Display, a Chapel –light streaming through stained glass-windows- and a Grand Piano!

My Creations on display were categorized as ‘Wraps’ -9 items, Jackets, Dresses & Tops- 15, under the title’ Zingers ’-'fab' thin long scarfs- 15, and, Book-covers aptly titled ‘Little Gems, allowed me the freedom to experiment with another side of my Artistic leaning.

I was over-the-moon to see those little ‘red spots’ placed against items on Opening Night . It also pleased me no-end to see all those who attended the ‘Meet the Artist’ Devonshire Tea on Sunday the 19th

Rather than me ‘hold forth’ – which my dear friends credit me with- grab yourself a ‘cuppa’ (tea or coffee), take a ‘pew’ (seat) and click on the item in LINK LIST which my soldier-in-arms, Tony has manufactured.

I trust all who have supported me through this journey are able to share my Moments of Joy.

My husband and I were fortunate to have the support of Anne & Richard Mallaby, Karen Hayes, our daughter, who provided a stunning bevy of ‘finger-foods’, son, Craig, the official photographer and ‘tickling the ivories’ on the ‘Grand’ was young Liam

Press here too for Images of Opening

04 April 2009

An Invitation to 'FELT LIKE IT...'

My Exhibtion of Wearable Art at the Chapel on the Station Gallery, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia 16 - 29 April 2009.

31 March 2009


The tragic loss of life and property caused by Victorian Bush-Fire of 7 February 2009 will be long felt by the people in the state of Victoria, and in Australia generally.

Much has been written about the fire-storm that swept across tinder-dry hills (which months before were verdant green) as the temperature reached a staggering 46.5C (116F).

Hard on the heels of this devastation was a mighty rush to render support in every imaginable form. It categorised the inherent caring nature of a people born to a harsh environment.

I felt it was incumbent of me as a migrant from Sri Lanka as an act of gratitude for all the opportunities this land had given me to 'do my bit'. Consequently I put in motion a 'Raffle' which one of my very special Quilts was The Prize. Tickets were sold through a wide network of friends and relatives.

We raised $1790-00, and, had previously ear-marked the entire proceeds to go to a Major Relief Organisation operating in those districts. Robyn Nelson , was the very lucky winner, and as luck would have it she was in attendance. In appreciation of their support Devonshire Tea was provided to the many who attended the Draw on that sunny Sunday afternoon.
Feel free to visit the Flickr Link for Photographs of the event.

30 March 2009

The 'Treasures-in-Threads' 2008 Year-End Function

The end of another year, and, another great ‘Break-up Party’. On the first Saturday of December, twenty Lovely Ladies gathered to show, chat, eat and be merry; catching up with friends they meet every Wednesday or Thursday during a term.

Tony, my dear husband, does all the grocery shopping in our household, but, for the ‘Break-up Party’ I like to shop and cook everything myself. But, without exception every year I forget to present two or three food items, which I have preciously made and stored in convenient places. The 2008 affair ran true to form. Chocolate fudge (still edible) and Quick Fruit Slice (grey fuss, good for the chickens) were discovered a week after the event. ‘List the items, and, the storage points next time’– I recall telling myself at the end of the year.

It was an especially warm, early summer day, in our part of Victoria, Australia, which led to the Folks gravitating to our backyard where the fruit trees provided my guests with comfortable shade.
Being outside meant being in close proximity to our extended family of Bantams -Sushi(Dark Brahma Bantam), Piper(Light Brahma Standard), Chloe and Emily
(Buff Pikin Bantams), who are the recipient's of a few choice 'tit-bits.They are not great Layers, but then my heart's desire was for 'pretty little chickens with feathers on their feet'

Back to the 'Break-up Party' - everyone looks forward to
the 'Show and Tell Time' - It's Lights, Cameras! and lots of "oohs" and "aahhs" as they all get to see what the Ladies in the other Groups have completed. Although much has been made, and given away as gifts, what makes an appearance is quite impressive and we are reminded afresh of Projects completed earlier in the year. I'm sure the Lovely Ladies wouldn't mind the photos of their 'Show and Tell' items appearing here, but I will get their permission first- Term Two starts on 22 April - before including it in a Slide-Show on this Blog.

29 March 2009

My Husband penned these in-between Constructing this Site

Someone once asked me(Rita) for a Circular-Lip of a Press-Stud. I was overjoyed, over-the-moon. Someone saw me for what I really was. 'Joy! Joy! Joy! With Joy my heart is ringiiiinnnnnggggg'

I was in the midst of hanging up a precious iconoclast 'S.Dali' I had recently acquired in Paree, France, from a shockingly suave Moroccan hanging outside Aussie Baz Luhrman's very own Ze Moulin Rouge, -by rights its got to be his what with all that Movie exposure-and I was just about ready to bang that wretched nail in the right spot, when a voice yelled!...like YEEELLLLEEED!

'Reeeetaaa! can I borrow the Circular Lip of a Press-Stud?'

'Yes, Betty! Most certainly! (thinks Rita) I know just what she wants. The one, Toots exchanged for my top-of-the-range Fat-Quarter"

Without a thought to the fact that I was standing 'tippy-toes' on a canvas folding-chair(with a hole in the middle), and, to that manly task at hand, I turned, I tripped from my stool, I pirouetted, I sent my head first through the $450,000 Dali! But, by billy-ho, I reached out and my stumpy fingers found, in a crevice of 50 scattered Quilting Arts Magazines, just what she wanted.... the last remaining Circular Lip of a Press-Stud.

How chuffed I was... I was Numero Uno CC (Number One Consummate Collector)

By the way, the Dali sure looks a lot better with the hole in the middle.
You reckon I can palm it off as a 'jeni-yuan' item to one displaced billionaire standing on the corner of 34th and Broadway, Manhattan that is. Better keep an eye on the burly Traffic Officer directing traffic.

See yer lyhdees!