06 July 2017

JUNE 2017

This update has been a long, long time coming. Bits and pieces, here and there, all needing to be pulled together. I've had some refreshing encounters, and projects, that have taken my feet off the ground, occasionally.
The recent floods - May 2017 -  in SRI LANKA moved me to initiate a 'Felting Spree' of Cobweb Felt Scarves and One-Day Workshops in my Studio. The money collected through the generosity of my Good Ladies, and others, went to  the Flood Relief

TOURING  New ZEALAND early 2017
I left one concerned husband - almost tugging at my skirt...joking! - and went with my sister, Sandra, on a tour across the land of the long white cloud, NEW ZEALAND

Our 12-day Tour with TRAVELMARVEL was exceptional  as was the flight with AIR NEW ZEALAND. The spectacular, picturesque landscape there is legendary. The geysers, the glowworm caves, the southern Alps, FRANZ JOSEF Glacier, mountains, lakes and valleys, MILFORD SOUND, and so much more.

Our stand-out Hotels were HOTEL IBIS in Wellington, COPTHORNE HOTEL in Queenstown, SCENIC HOTEL in Dunedin and PEPPERS BLUEWATER in Lake Tekapo. For sightseeing one has got to take in ROTORUA, WELLINGTON, QUEENSTWON, DUNEDIN and LAKE TEKAPO


04 July 2017


The X'MAS PARTY of 2016
Our 2016 Year-end break-up went off brilliantly. 'Nature! your name is 'Woman'...thank you! for being understanding and given us a swish, sunny day.

Lunch, and plenty of 'Lady-chatter' helped along by chilled 'punch' etc. etc. Freedom was given to the Beloved One to the party his own speciality - crab claws cooked to perfection. Order needed to be brought to the Gathering with the Ladies 'SHOW &TELL'; do check the link for their handicraft.

I am inspired and motivated when I see exceptional items see the light of day in my 6metre x 5metre stacked to the rafters with 'fat-quarters', magazines, sewing machines, a table for Felting: Yes! Being surrounded by my talented lovely Ladies...couldn't ask for anything more.

                              PRESS HERE FOR IMAGES OF THE PARTY

Mid-way thru the year a very good friend, Genielle PHILLIPS and I, took space in the nearby VINTAGE MARKET & FAIR in our local suburb. It was a great experience. Things got sold, but more than that, we made great contacts and even got ourselves featured in the local 'rag/paper'.
On the left, myself madly working on the finishing touches and, then, a laugh at our set-up.

THRU 2016
-   In August the Victorian Feltmakers Inc.(VFI) had a new President in Genielle. I took the     task of keeping the VFI Fibre Shop stocked with wool and silk for our Members.

-   The Victorian Feltmakers Inc. held an  Exhibition in the Town Hall Gallery in Hawthorn, a  Melbourne suburb. Exhibitions are always exciting and this was no exception with its vibrant and diverse collection of exhibits.

-    I received a request to be a 'Felt Judge' in the Royal Melbourne Show in the spring. It was a totally new and interesting experience

 -    In the latter part of the year I took delivery of a space-eating 'HANDI-QUILTER- Simply 16' (a link to YOUTUBE). I was over the moon.  I have always enjoyed quilting my own quilts on a 'domestic' machine but free- motion quilting with the 'HANDI-QUILTER' is a breeze by comparision.

02 July 2017

X'MAS PARTY of 2015

It has become so repetitive to talk about the beautiful late-spring weather, we enjoy each year in Melbourne,  Australia, as we gather for our annual  'SHOW & TELL' 

This is the rare occasion when the Ladies from all the sessions get to see the creations from other groups. And, the calls, 'Can we do that too?', and my reply 'Just remind me next year...'.  [The Dear one is always somewhere in the background juggling the acts he gets called to perform.]

Do spend some time to look over some inspiring work the Lovely Ladies who visit my Studio, produce

                              PRESS HERE FOR IMAGES OF THE PARTY