10 September 2009


Seems like I’ve been stuck on a tread-mill since my last Post. Happily, in-between, Tony and I discovered New ZEALAND, flying  AIR NEW ZEALAND

The catalyst had its origin in a journey we made through Canada and Alaska, in 2007. While travelling, we met a wonderful couple of Kiwis, Sandra and Eddie McKersey - ‘…and we got on like a house on fire.’

An Invitation to Eddie’s 70th had us leaping ‘the ditch’ – slang for travelling the Tasman Sea – to surprise him.

July 31 found us at the sumptuous COPTHORNE RESORT in PAIHIA taking in the beautiful Bay of Islands, then partying at a fabulous 'Birthday Bash' for Eddie, organised by Sandra and Family.

After an unforgetable week-end we drove back to AUCKLAND and caught up with the child-hood friends of the Dear One.

Next stop TAUPO, and to the spacious LAKESIDE VILLAS - a Full-Moon over Lake Taupo ...ahhh!. Back-tracked to ROTORUA, saw the Thermal Springs and enjoyed the Baths at the 'Polynesian Spa'

On the way to WELLINGTON we detoured to capture the magic of the LORD OF THE RINGS’ locales in the Tongariro National Park, and the splendour of snow-capped Mount Ruapehu.

Having enjoyed WELLINGTON we crossed the water for PICTON - reminded us of the the Inside Passage en-route to Alaska.

Took our longest drive along the East Coast, of the South Island …wonderful scenery, colonies of fur seals, considerate (with a capital ‘C’) Kiwi drivers.
Visited JOSIE MARTINS’ incredible mosaic garden inhabited by delightful giant figures in a beautifully landscaped setting.Day Two, saw us cross the South Island, by train, to GREYMOUTH snow capped mountains, wide pebbled riverbeds, tunnels -16.

          PRESS HERE for IMAGES of The TRIP  

For our next trip we’ll start in CHRISTCHURCH and take in Queenstown, Dunedin, Invercargill, etc – couldn’t help notice the Scottish influence.

Back Home, Studio Classes and Workshops awaited me. Caught up with my dear Family, and worked to resuscitate my strained relationship with our delightful (talking!) Bantams – Sushi, Piper, Emily and Chloe

 Currently, I am preparing a workshop on Cara Gulati’s 3-D Explosion Art Quilt Illusions planned for September. Lovely Lynne Withers has waited over 12 months. I need to, quickly, familiarize myself with the technique, and complete a sample. “Remember Rita… Take photos of the Session for all to see”

 Finally, to re-dress my tardiness…I have started by smoking the peace-pipe with my Blog co-ordinator…”I promise to provide more offerings, Dear One…”

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