29 March 2009

My Husband penned these in-between Constructing this Site

Someone once asked me(Rita) for a Circular-Lip of a Press-Stud. I was overjoyed, over-the-moon. Someone saw me for what I really was. 'Joy! Joy! Joy! With Joy my heart is ringiiiinnnnnggggg'

I was in the midst of hanging up a precious iconoclast 'S.Dali' I had recently acquired in Paree, France, from a shockingly suave Moroccan hanging outside Aussie Baz Luhrman's very own Ze Moulin Rouge, -by rights its got to be his what with all that Movie exposure-and I was just about ready to bang that wretched nail in the right spot, when a voice yelled!...like YEEELLLLEEED!

'Reeeetaaa! can I borrow the Circular Lip of a Press-Stud?'

'Yes, Betty! Most certainly! (thinks Rita) I know just what she wants. The one, Toots exchanged for my top-of-the-range Fat-Quarter"

Without a thought to the fact that I was standing 'tippy-toes' on a canvas folding-chair(with a hole in the middle), and, to that manly task at hand, I turned, I tripped from my stool, I pirouetted, I sent my head first through the $450,000 Dali! But, by billy-ho, I reached out and my stumpy fingers found, in a crevice of 50 scattered Quilting Arts Magazines, just what she wanted.... the last remaining Circular Lip of a Press-Stud.

How chuffed I was... I was Numero Uno CC (Number One Consummate Collector)

By the way, the Dali sure looks a lot better with the hole in the middle.
You reckon I can palm it off as a 'jeni-yuan' item to one displaced billionaire standing on the corner of 34th and Broadway, Manhattan that is. Better keep an eye on the burly Traffic Officer directing traffic.

See yer lyhdees!

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