04 July 2017


The X'MAS PARTY of 2016
Our 2016 Year-end break-up went off brilliantly. 'Nature! your name is 'Woman'...thank you! for being understanding and given us a swish, sunny day.

Lunch, and plenty of 'Lady-chatter' helped along by chilled 'punch' etc. etc. Freedom was given to the Beloved One to the party his own speciality - crab claws cooked to perfection. Order needed to be brought to the Gathering with the Ladies 'SHOW &TELL'; do check the link for their handicraft.

I am inspired and motivated when I see exceptional items see the light of day in my 6metre x 5metre stacked to the rafters with 'fat-quarters', magazines, sewing machines, a table for Felting: Yes! Being surrounded by my talented lovely Ladies...couldn't ask for anything more.

                              PRESS HERE FOR IMAGES OF THE PARTY

Mid-way thru the year a very good friend, Genielle PHILLIPS and I, took space in the nearby VINTAGE MARKET & FAIR in our local suburb. It was a great experience. Things got sold, but more than that, we made great contacts and even got ourselves featured in the local 'rag/paper'.
On the left, myself madly working on the finishing touches and, then, a laugh at our set-up.

THRU 2016
-   In August the Victorian Feltmakers Inc.(VFI) had a new President in Genielle. I took the     task of keeping the VFI Fibre Shop stocked with wool and silk for our Members.

-   The Victorian Feltmakers Inc. held an  Exhibition in the Town Hall Gallery in Hawthorn, a  Melbourne suburb. Exhibitions are always exciting and this was no exception with its vibrant and diverse collection of exhibits.

-    I received a request to be a 'Felt Judge' in the Royal Melbourne Show in the spring. It was a totally new and interesting experience

 -    In the latter part of the year I took delivery of a space-eating 'HANDI-QUILTER- Simply 16' (a link to YOUTUBE). I was over the moon.  I have always enjoyed quilting my own quilts on a 'domestic' machine but free- motion quilting with the 'HANDI-QUILTER' is a breeze by comparision.

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